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It is no doubt that the world of fitness has become muddied, confusing, and just plain annoying at times. This creates an unwelcoming atmosphere for someone who wishes to become healthier or wants to learn more about physical health and fitness. 

This is unacceptable.

We take a different approach to fitness not in the sense that we are offering something revolutionary per se, but in the sense that we are offering stability, sustainability, and knowledge. We believe in empowering people to learn and become healthier so that we do not need to hold their hands throughout the rest of their lives. We are the parents that help until the child turns 18 and goes off into the world on his or her own. 

That being said, fitness should be seen as a never ending journey. With new advances it is constantly changing, adapting, and becoming more efficient. Our aim is to understand those changes so that we can communicate them to you; we want to create a bridge from the “sciency” world of fitness to make it accessible for you to use for your benefit. Our relentless pursuit and analysis of the best information is our passion and in that way our passion becomes your advantage.

Now on to the matters of training and nutrition.

Like we said earlier, physical training is process that never ends; it will always offer new challenges, but at the same time people who embark on a training plan need to see that they are making progress. Variation is nice and all, but extreme variation doesn’t show progress. Our training philosophy will always be centered around core attributes that we can constantly test, progress, and retest. These core ideas will be your particular goals whether that be getting stronger, losing weight, or a combination of both. So while variation is key and is less boring, it can also be the enemy. Crushing previous goals in the same exercise is one of the most exhilarating feelings, and we want to show people that.

While this is our philosophy of training it would be mistaken to think that there is a metaphorical period at the end. Our philosophy of fitness is constantly being tested, changed, tweaked, and adapted. We are striving to get better so that we can make you better. This is our commitment.

We want to empower you so that you can be better every day of your life. Fitness may be an additional bonus or something you want to focus nearly all of your attention on, either way, we are here to help you live your best life. If you’re not moving forward, you’re standing still or worse yet you’re moving backward. We want to develop a healthy mindset as well. Certain people will say it is just about workouts or nutrition; that all you have to do is follow this simple plan and you will get the results you want. While this is true in some cases, we want to develop your mind to achieve these plans. Developing the mind can and will transfer to other areas of your life. The confidence you can gain for getting stronger or losing weight can have a healthy carryover to other aspects of your life. I am not simply talking about taking more selfies, but real true confidence and willpower.

While we believe we are always striving to be the best at what we do, we think it should be addressed that we may not always be the best fit. Acknowledging that this what we think is usually the mark of honest and authentic people. If we do not think we can help you, we won’t sit back and take your money while you make no progress. We will do everything - after all, it is our passion - to help you live your best life, but we are not infallible and we would never admit to that.

Lastly, in a world where the confusion and opposing viewpoints are reaching preposterous proportions, we want to offer sustainability and open-mindedness. We want you to tell us about your personality, your lifestyle, so that we can help fit a healthy plan to your life and not the other way around. There are some things in this industry that are straight ridiculous and others deserve a little more time and we hope to be that voice of reason and reliability. 

In a world where people are almost paralyzed by the amount of information out there we can only hope to serve as an island of hope and sustainability in a sea of pseudoscience and quackery.



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